# Command Line Interface

BDeploy provides a rich CLI which allows automation of most interactions with BDeploy, e.g. for use in build pipelines, etc.

The same binaries used to run a BDeploy server provide a set of commands along with available options. This chapter describes the available commands. The options are well-described when calling the according command with the --help option.

# Common Options

Option Description
-q Quiet - no progress reporting on long running operations.
-v Verbose - some tools may include additional information.
-vv Very verbose - enable progress reporting for every tool, show timing summary at the end.
-o <FILE> Redirect output to the given FILE.
-op <FILE> Redirect progress reporting output to the given FILE.
--csv Output any data in CSV format.
--json Output any data in JSON format.

# BDeploy CLI

# Initialization and local Configuration Management Commands

Command Description
certificate Manage the server certificates (export the existing, import a new, set a separate HTTPS certificate). This is mainly used to import a properly signed certificate to the master, which serves the Web UI using this certificate over HTTPS. BDeploy itself does not require a properly signed certificate for internal operation to guarantee security.
cleanup Manage the schedule at which the master performs background cleanup operations on all nodes (including the master itself).
config Allows changes to the basic configuration like hostname, port or mode. The init command stores the given hostname, used later on for connections to self and also for variable expansion. If the hostname changed or is no longer valid, this tool can update it. Please refer to Migrating between Modes in case you need to change the minion mode. Allows modification of the log root via --logData=\<path\>
init Initializes a root directory for running a server with the start command. The init command can be instructed to initialize the directory to run a master or a headless node when running the start command.
ldap Manages LDAP synchronization job schedule and settings.
pool Manages object pooling related settings and the re-organization job schedule.
storage Manages available storage locations. A storage location is a folder where the BDeploy master puts the BHives required to store data for Instance Groups and Software Repositories.

# Local Session and Scripting Commands

Command Description
login Manages local login sessions to remote servers. This command eliminates the need to manage URIs and tokens yourself. Login sessions are managed per user, can be created, switched, and removed. Validity of the login session is the same as for the Web UI. Subsequent commands will use the configured remote login session to perform remote communication.

⚠️WARNING Since login sessions are persistent, it can be easy to confuse which session/server is currently worked with. Always verify that the correct session is actively used by commands when performing modifications on the server, e.g. deleting an Instance.
shell Provides an interactive shell which can execute tools. The shell can also be fed with a script file which contains a series of commands.

# Product Management Commands

Command Description
product List or create Products locally. Fetches required dependencies from the given remote BDeploy server. Has the ability to push the resulting Product to the target BDeploy server.

# Remote Server Management Commands

Command Description
remote-central Manage remote configuration related to managed servers on a central server. Also allows to attach managed servers to a central server.
remote-config-files Remotely manage configuration files for a given instance.
remote-data-files Remotely manage data files for a given instance.
remote-deployment Manage Instance deployment (install, activate, uninstall, updateTo (product version)) on a remote BDeploy server.

ℹ️NOTE The --updateTo command will only work if the new product version can be updated to without manual changes. If for example a mandatory parameter is added, or a configured application is removed from the product, the update will fail.
remote-group Manage Instance Groups on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-instance Query and manage Instances on the remote BDeploy server. Can be used to create, export (to ZIP) and import (from ZIP) Instances locally.
ℹ️NOTE Creating instances from a template requires a response file. The format is the same as the instances section of System Templates.
remote-master Query and manage system information on a remote BDeploy server. Allows to update both the BDeploy system software as well as the BDeploy launcher binaries.
remote-node Manage nodes attached to the remote BDeploy server.
remote-plugin Manage plugins available on the remote BDeploy server or install new ones from local jar files.
remote-ports List ports configured for a specified instance.
remote-process Query and manage application processes managed by BDeploy on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-process-config Manipulate the process configuration (parameters) of a given instance remotely.
remote-product Query and manage products available on the given Instance Group on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-product-validation Uses a product-validation.yaml file to perform a remote pre-validation of a product to be built in the future.
remote-repo Query and manage Software Repositories on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-repo-software Query External Software (which can be used as runtimeDependencies) on the given server and software repository.
remote-report Query and generate Reports on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-system Manage systems on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-transfer Transfers External Software and Products between two remote servers (by fetching and pushing locally). Optionally can re-use an existing local BHive to benefit from object re-use.
remote-user Manages users on a remote BDeploy server.
remote-user-group Manage user groups and associated users and permissions on a remote BDeploy server.

# Server Commands

Command Description
start Runs the BDeploy minion in the mode determined by the given root directory. Requires a root directory initialized with the init command.

:informationsource:NOTE A _master is always a node as well. The master just has the additional capability to control other nodes, and provides the configuration Web UI.

# Utility Commands

Command Description
bhive Wraps around to the BHive CLI. Can be used to access BHive CLI commands if the BHive stand-alone binaries are not available. Usage: bdeploy bhive <command>.
payload Internal use only.
schema Used to generate YAML schemas and validate input files against those schemas.
verify-signature Verifies whether the signature on a signed executable is deemed valid.

# BHive CLI

BHive is the underlying storage used by BDeploy. BDeploy serves BHives for all minions (master and node), and has additional BHives per Instance Group and Software Repository on the master.

BHive itself does not know about BDeploy, it is 'just' a dumb storage backend which is responsible for de-duplicated, distributed, fail-tolerant (failure-recoverable) storage of file contents.

Much like Git, BHive only knows two commands that actually perform remote communication: fetch and push. All other commands are performing their work locally.

# Analysis and Maintenance Commands

Command Description
du Calulate disc usage for given manifest(s) in a BHive.
fsck Performs a file system check (fsck). This involves resolving all inter-Manifest dependencies, as well as re-hashing all objects in the underlying storage to assert that all objects in the storage are valid.

Also allows to fix found errors (by deletion). After this, missing Manifests must be re-pushed from a BHive which still has the required objects.
init Initalizes a new, empty BHive in a given directory.
manifest Manage existing Manifests in a given BHive.
prune Remove unreferenced objects from the given BHive to free up disc space.
token Allows generation of new access tokens, see Security.
tree Read and diff Manifests from the given BHive. Allows to compare the contents of Manifests, view differences and the estimated data transfer required to perform a delta 'update' if a potential remote BHive already has one of them.

# Filesystem Interaction Commands

Command Description
export Reads a Manifest from the given BHive and writes its content to a given target folder.
import Import a given folder into a given BHive and associate the given Manifest key with it.

# Remote Server Interaction Commands

Command Description
fetch Fetches the given Manifests from a given remote BHive.
push Push the given Manifests to the given remote BHive

# Server Commands

Command Description
pool Manages object pool configuration on a single BHive, re-organizes a pool against a set of BHives.
serve Serves one or more given BHives over the network. The same thing as BDeploy does internally, provided as CLI tool for maintenance reasons.

# Launcher CLI

Command Description
launcher Reads a given .bdeploy file, which describes all required information for the launcher to contact a BDeploy server and download a client application.
uninstaller Uninstalls a given application and cleans up in the local storage.

# Environment Variables

BDeploy and BHive CLIs provide a set of environment variables that allow you to provide environment defaults for certain command line arguments.

Each command will include information for the according environment fallback in it's help output, for instance:

$ bdeploy bhive init --help


  │ init: Initializes an empty BHive                                                                                              │
  │ Argument    │ Description                                                                                           │ Default │
  │  --hive=ARG │ The directory to initialize as BHive (Environment variable 'BHIVE' is used as fallback if not given). │         │

Some common environment variables include (but are not limited to):

Variable Description
BDEPLOY_LOGIN Specifies the name of a stored login session (bdeploy login) to use. This overrides the currently active login session if there is one.
BDEPLOY_REMOTE URL to the remote BDeploy server which commands should connect to, e.g. https://hostname:7701/api.
BDEPLOY_ROOT The root directory to use for init and start (primarily).
BDEPLOY_TOKEN The actual security token used to access the remote BDeploy server.
BDEPLOY_TOKENFILE A file containing the security token (as text content) used to access the remote BDeploy server.
BHIVE Path to the BHive to operate on for local commands (e.g. import, export).
REMOTE_BHIVE The name of the remote BHive. In case of BDeploy this is usually the name of an Instance Group or Software Repository.