The bdeploy-linux64-X.Y.Z.zip
package contains a template file from which a systemd service can be created. It is located in the etc
directory and named bdeploy-minion.service
The template itself contains instructions on how to create a valid service from it.
You can copy the service template to a different filename while installing it into the systemd service directory. The filename will later on be the service name. This allows installing multiple BDeploy services on a single machine.
To get systemd to recognize the service(s) after copying the service file(s) use the systemctl daemon-reload
command (as root).
Once installed, you can control the service using systemctl
The bdeploy-win64-X.Y.Z.zip
package contains a batch script to create a new Windows service. The script is located in the etc
directory and is named bdeploy-service-install.bat
The script must be called with administrative privileges and it expects the following arguments:
By default the service runs as Local System but you can and should change that afterwards by using the services.msc application. Configure the desired account in the Log On tab of the services management console. We strongly recommend to use a non-privileged user to run the BDeploy service.
Once installed, you can start the service using services.msc or by calling net start <BDeployMaster|BDeployNode>
Use the Event Viewer (Windows Logs->System) to get more information when the service fails to start.
Application logs (stdout, stderror) are written to a log file that is stored in <\path\to\store\files>\log\service.log
The service parameters are stored in the Windows registry: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BDeployMaster
You need to modify the batch script when you want to create multiple services on the same machine. Simply adopt the MINION_SERVICE_PREFIX
to use another prefix for the service.