# Service

# Linux

The bdeploy-linux64-X.Y.Z.zip package contains a template file from which a systemd service can be created. It is located in the etc directory and named bdeploy-minion.service.

The template itself contains instructions on how to create a valid service from it.

You can copy the service template to a different filename while installing it into the systemd service directory. The filename will later on be the service name. This allows installing multiple BDeploy services on a single machine.

# Windows

The bdeploy-win64-X.Y.Z.zip package contains a batch script to create a new Windows service. The script is located in the etc directory and is named bdeploy-service-install.bat

The script must be called with administrative privileges and it expects the following arguments:

--master | --node Start a master or node (only controls the name of the service).
<\path\to\minion\batch.bat> Absolute path to the bdeploy batch file inside of a full BDeploy installation. Sample: C:\BDeploy\server\bin\bdeploy.bat
<\path\to\root> Absolute path to the root directory. Make sure to not include a trailing backslash. Sample: C:\BDeploy\data. Note that this is the same directory you specified as --root on init

Once installed, you can start the service using services.msc or by calling net start <BDeployMaster|BDeployNode>.