This bundle contains things shared by all components (BHive, DCU, PCU, Minion, ...).
The io.bdeploy.common.security
package contains the SecurityHelper
which can be used to generate and verify keystores and access tokens for remote APIs (over HTTP).
The io.bdeploy.common.cfg
package contains the Configuration
class which can be used to create command line tools and map their parameters to annotation proxies.
The ActivityReporter
implementations (Stream
and Null
) can be used to track activities/operations.
The io.bdeploy.common.metrics
package contains an entry point to allow measurement of various metrics.
- The JUnit5
annotation allows to register instances of extensions (as opposed to@ExtendWith
, which registers a class and manages it's lifecycle as appropriate). This means that the instance does not get changed. This on the other hand means that the instance fields of this extension will keep their state throughout test methods. This is not dramatic, just something you need to be aware of. This is the reason whyTestMinion
in it'sbeforeEach
method. Not doing so led to duplicate registrations of singleton services, where the server picked up the services for another test later on...